CLAREMONT on Tuesdays (AM) and Wednesdays (AM)
CRAWFORD on Tuesdays (AM), Wednesdays (AM), Thursdays (AM) and Fridays (PM)
MEADOWRIDGE on Tuesdays (AM), Wednesdays (AM) Thursdays (AM) and Fridays (AM)
One hour long – 30 minutes of our structured musical programme and 30 minutes of social time with refreshments for the grown-ups.
7-9 adults in each class (venue dependent). Smaller groups also make it easier to meet people and make new friends!
- Our fun, stimulating classes are based on a different theme each term.
- The classes are set to music and full of puppets, teaching aids and percussion instruments.
- The programme taps into many areas of brain development in a rich and exciting way.
Please click HERE to read more about our passion for music education and the benefits for young children
Complete the enquiry form below for the branch(es) of your choice.
The relevant branch teacher will be in touch via e-mail with more info on availability and booking.
You will be asked to complete an online registration and indemnity form before your first class.