Our Term 2 classes are coming to an end! What amazing musical adventures we’ve had together!


The BABY classes have taken an imaginary trip around NURSERYLAND. As they visit each little house, a friend from a nursery rhyme appears and we sing together.


The TODDLER classes have really used their ears listening out for little FRIENDS IN THE GARDEN. From a buzzing bee, to a miaowing cat, to a croaking frog.


The 3-4 year old classes have been on an adventure to the Kruger National Park to meet THE BIG 5. They’ve explored phonics, rhyming words and the concept of rest / play in music.

The 4-6 year old classes have explored OPPOSITES – in life, their surroundings, their movements and music.


What an incredible joy it’s been to witness so many children lighting up as they’ve joined our musical adventures!

Our team is so passionate about what we do and can’t wait for Term 3.

Come and join us!

More info on our baby classes here – http://wriggleandrhyme.co.za/baby-classes

More info on our toddler classes here – http://wriggleandrhyme.co.za/toddler-classes

PRE-SCHOOL classes are only offered at partner pre-schools. Chat to your child’s pre-school to find out whether they offer our programme!