Episode 1 – Listen, Match and Colour
Join Wriggle and Rhyme Founder, Kirsty Savides and her lovely friend, Lilly as they use their ears and eyes to search for Froggy. This leads to a fun listening and matching game, where they listen to find even more friends.
Download the printable activity elements here:

Episode 2 – Making Music
Join Wriggle and Rhyme Founder, Kirsty Savides and her lovely friends, Becca and Lilly as they make a basic music instrument to enjoy at home. They also enjoy some snacks together, which Froggy munches on too!
Here’s what you’ll need for this activity

Episode 3 – The Elephant and the Ostrich
Join Wriggle and Rhyme Founder, Kirsty Savides and her lovely friends, Froggy and Becca as they tell a uniquely African story about friendship. The story is based on one of W&R’s original songs, “The Elephant and the Ostrich”.

Episode 4 - I’m special, just like Froggy!
Join Wriggle and Rhyme Founder, Kirsty Savides and her lovely friends, Froggy, Sam, Lilly and Becca as they think about how special Froggy is and how special they are. Enjoy making a fun froggy picture together with them!
Here’s what you’ll need for this activity