August 24, 2023How can music help children with emotional development? August 10, 2023Celebrating Wriggle and Rhyme’s amazing women! July 18, 2023Why are we so vocal about the power of music? May 4, 2023Where, oh where is Froggy? March 2, 2023The impact of MUSIC on Max’s language development February 9, 2023Meet our team of music-makers! January 9, 2023The value of choosing a MUSIC programme in 2023 for your baby or toddler December 1, 2022Celebrating 2022 as a team! October 28, 202214th birthday heroes featuring the man behind the brand design October 20, 202214th birthday heroes featuring the man behind the music October 14, 202214th birthday heroes featuring our Branch Team October 7, 202214th birthday heroes featuring our Pre-Schools Team