Our BABY, TODDLER and PRE-SCHOOL classes are well underway for 2024. It’s been a milestone year for us with our BABY and TODDLER classes opening in GQEBERHA. It’s been so exciting to watch the new branch open in Port Elizabeth and hear how much the customers are enjoying our programme already.

Baby and Toddler music classes
Our BABY classes are enjoying an imaginary musical adventure to the FARMYARD. They’re meeting so many farmyard animals along the way.
Our TODDLER classes are taking a TRIP TO THE SEASIDE. Their adventure includes jumping in the waves, splashing in the rock pools and meeting some friendly seaside creatures. Colin the Crab is always a favourite …
Our BABY and TODDLER classes are available in: CAPE TOWN (Melkbos, Meadowridge, Claremont and Rondebosch) and GQEBERHA (Broadwood).

Pre-schooler music classes
Our younger PRE-SCHOOLERS (3-4 years) are exploring a MUSICAL MAP. One of the fun and stretching activities that we’ve added into our programme this year is an exciting musical pattern activity. The children have to listen to and mimic various musical patterns, all in time to the music. It’s great for their development on so many levels!
Our older PRE-SCHOOLERS (5-6 years) are thinking about A DAY IN MY LIFE. We use a giant clock to teach the children the concept of time, in life and in music.
Our PRE-SCHOOL music classes are on offer at selected partner Pre-Schools in Cape Town.
It’s been such an exciting start to 2024. We can’t wait for more musical adventures!
Why don’t you come and join us?
Here’s more info – https://www.wriggleandrhyme.co.za/#classes